Sunday, January 25, 2015

CD 7e

Crazy Dungeon, 7th edition. 
I have actually read through all the 3.x D&D rules now, and almost all the 4e rules, and a bit of 5e, and some 1e (original dnd, don't really know what to call it (1e? Basic? Something else?)), and I know what Pathfinder is now. So I think that mayhaps I should, using my knewfound knowledge, make a new Crazy Dungeon.

Here I go.
... Done.

Crazy Dungeon Ruleset
Version 7.000 Thanks for playing.

There is a GM. The GM makes the dungeon, thinks up the monsters, and narrates the story. The other people are players, there should be 2-6 players (excluding the GM). 
STUFF YOU NEED TO PLAY: assorted numbered polyhedra, paper, pencils, character sheets.

Ability scores measure attributes of characters, the ability scores are:
Strength: Raw physical power.
Dexterity: Nimbleness, finesse, and reflexes. 
Mind: It's all in your head... 
Spirit: Leadership and whatnot.
To generate these scores for your character, spend points on them. You have 3 points, and each score starts at 1.When you need to do something, and success is not assured, roll as many d12s as the stattribute being tested. Take the highest one. That is your result. Beat the TN the GM has set (Target Number, duh), and you succeed! Good job. Otherwise, you fail. Sadness.When someone is trying to stop you, or is working against you/opposing you in some way, you both roll as many d12s as the relevant stat, and each take the highest one. The character who rolled the higher number wins. In a tie, one of 2 things will happen. Either the GM will say, "It's a tie!", or you will roll again. Lather, rinse, repeat. Wait, what?
Oh, and don't forget: Always round down!

A Role is what role you play in the game
When you start out, you must (must!) pick a Role. There are 4 Roles, so in a big adventuring party
some people might end up with the same Role. That's okay, but you should try to have 1 of each - a party of only Fighters would get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaally boring.Also, we have to have some way for you to get better at being your Role, so there are Ranks. You start at Rank 1, and then increase your Rank by one half each time you... 
- Complete an adventure
- Do a really cool stunt (in the game, not in real life!)
Half Ranks do not actually count as real Ranks at all. They just show that you are half of the way to the next Rank.The list of Roles is below.
Fighter: Fighters roll one more d12 when attacking with a Melee or Melee/Close or Melee/Reach weapon. They also get to pick one of three Fighter Moves, which increase in power as they gain Ranks.
Thief: Thieves steal. They are very good at stealing. They also like to sneak around, often with the intent of stealing things. Thieves do 1d6 more damage than normal when they sneak up on someone and hit them. They also get +1 to all Thief skill rolls, due to their thievish training, but only when wearing Light or no armor.
Magic-User: Magic-Users use magic (surprise!). They learn 1 spell every Rank (they start with 2). Also, they have a magic staff. The magic staff has a special ability (choose when you start what the ability will be, there is a list of them hiding in these rules). Magic-Users cannot use spells when they are wearing armor, or when they have their staff taken away. The staff's ability does not count as a spell, but no, you can't use the staff's ability if you don't have your staff. A Magic-User can cast 1 spell per Rank, plus 1 spell, before they must rest to regain their spells.
Hunter: Hunters roll 1 more d12 when attacking with a Missile or Missile/Reach or Missile/Close weapon. They get to pick one of 3 Hunter Powers. They also get +1 to all Hunter skill rolls, but only when wearing Light or no armor.
So, which one will you be?

You have to choose a Race when you start.  
Human: Humans are booooring, but at least they get +1 Spirit.
Sylvan: Sylvans are fairy-people, basically. They get +1 Dexterity. 
Goblin: Goblins are cunning little green people with sorta sharp teeth and sorta pointy ears. They get +1 Mind. 
Wrave: Wraves are minor demons that live on Earth, instead of the underworld. They get to use the Claw spell as a Rank 1 Magic-User, but it costs them 6 HP.
Ogre: Ogres are big green people. They get +1 Strength. 
Imp: Imps are like wraves, but they are even minor-er demons, and they are small. They get one more d12 when attacking anyone as big as, or bigger than, an ogre. Also, they cannot use weapons marked with an asterisk (*).

Money is in gold pieces, each player starts with some gold pieces (AKA gp, I pronounce it "jippee"), depending on their Role. Magic-Users get 35, Hunters and Thieves get 45, Fighters get 50.
You can carry 3 items per point of Strength, 2 per point of Strength if you are an Imp. Objects marked with a # count as 1/2 an item for carrying purposes. The amount of ammunition listed counts as an item, half that is 1/2 an item. If you are carrying your maximum amount of items, you have -1 on all Dexterity rolls. Also, * marked items and weapons count as 2 items for carrying purposes.
Imps cannot use * marked weapons, Magic-Users can use only ^ marked weapons.
^Short Sword: does 1d6 damage when you hit someone with it. 10 gp. Melee, Close
*Two-handed Sword: does 2d6 damage when you hit someone with it. 18 gp. Melee
*^Sword: does 1d8 damage when you hit someone with it. 13 gp. Melee
^Mace: does 2d4 damage when you hit someone with it. 12 gp. Melee, Close
*Flail: does 2d6 damage when you hit someone with it. 20 gp. Melee, Reach
*Spear: does 1d8 damage when you hit someone with it. 15 gp. Melee, Reach
^Dagger: does 1d4 damage when you hit someone with it. 6 gp. Melee, Close
^Sling: does 1d4 damage when you hit someone with it. 7 gp. Missile, Close
^Short Bow: does 1d6+1 damage when you hit someone with it. 14 gp. Missile
*Long Bow: does 1d8+1 damage when you hit someone with it. 17 gp. Missile, Reach
*Axe: does 1d12+1 damage when you hit someone with it. 23 gp. Melee
Club or War Hammer: does 1d10 damage when you hit someone with it. 16 gp. Melee, Close
^Vial of Holy Water: does 1 damage (1d10 for undead) when you hit someone with it. 12 gp. Missile
Other Stuff:
#Torch: burns for 6 hours. Flames do 1d2 damage. 3 gp.
#Flint and Steel: 1 gp.
*10' pole: 4 gp.
Shovel or Hammer: 5 gp.
#Belt Pouch: 2 gp.
Alchemist's Torch: light by hitting with a metal object. glows (does not burn) for 12 hours. 7 gp.
Rope, 50': 6 gp.
#Vial of Antitoxin: counteracts poison when drunk. 8 gp.
(# when empty)Water Skin: holds 1/3 gallon of water. 1 gp.
Bottle: holds 1/4 gallon of water. 1 gp.
(* when full)Jug: holds 1 gallon of water. 4 gp.
#Iron Spikes (x4): 1 gp.
#Arrow (x5): 1 gp.
#Lead Bullet (x3): 1 gp.
Leather: take 1 less damage from attacks. 10 gp. Light
Chain Mail: take 2 less damage from attacks. 20 gp. Light
Scale Mail: take 3 less damage from attacks. 25 gp. Medium: -2 to all Dexterity rolls
Half Plate: take 4 less damage from attacks. 35 gp. Medium: -2 to all Dexterity rolls
Full Plate: take 5 less damage from attacks. 40 gp. Heavy: -4 to all Dexterity rolls

You can sell an item for about half what you bought it for.

Skills represent special training your character has.
The skills are ^Athletics, *Acrobatics, *Stealth, *Negotiate, *Bluff, *^Notice, Knowledge, *Sleight of Hand, and ^Survival.
All skills marked * are Thief skills, and with ^ are Hunter skills.
When rolling to see if you succeed or not at something, add your skill ranks of the appropriate skill to the d12 roll. You start with 2+Mind (3+Mind if Thief or Magic-User) ranks to spread between the skills. Fighters may not put ranks in Sleight of Hand, Magic-Users may not put ranks in Athletics.
Knowledge is a special skill. It is multiple skills - each one a different area of knowledge, as the name would suggest. So, you can have Knowledge multiple times, each time relating to a different kind of knowledge. Magic-Users automatically start with 3 ranks in Knowledge (Magic) at no cost.
Athletics/Acrobatics are at an additional -3 if you are wearing any Medium or Heavy armor. Stealth and rolls made for swimming are at an additional -3 for Medium, -6 for Heavy.

Combat is probably the part of the game that is the most fun. Really.
The system has definitely changed a lot in this new edition.
When you are making your character, you start with some Hit Points (HP). The less HP you have, the more hurt you are. At 0/less, you are unconscious, and any further hits will kill you automatically.
The amount you start with is your maximum HP (mHP). You start with 20 mHP and HP as a Fighter or Hunter, 16 as a Thief, and 12 as a Magic-User. Each time you get 1 more Rank, you add your Strength to your mHP, or a d8 roll for Fighter/Hunter, d6 roll for Magic-User/Thief, whichever is higher. 
No, you cannot be healed by taking negative damage (1d4-2, -1 was rolled). There is a minimum of 0.
When you are in combat, time goes in rounds. At the end of a round, a new round starts.
If you have already acted in the round, you do not get to go again. 
The Amazingly Important and Also Purple Combat Round Thing:
1. Start of round.
2. Attacking.
(in ties with Dexterity order, GM decides)
A - Missile
a1. Those using a Missile/Reach weapon attack, resolving in order of Dexterity.
a2. Do the same with Missile weapons.
a3. Do the same with Missile/Close weapons.
B - Miscellaneous
b1. Those taking a non-combat action do so in order of Dexterity.
C - Melee
c1. Those using a Melee/Reach weapon attack, resolving in order of Dexterity.
c2. Do the same with Melee weapons.
c3. Do the same with Melee/Close weapons.
3. End of round. If you did not act at all this round, too bad. :P

Non-combat action means something that is not attacking, like drinking a potion, that can be done in 1-6 seconds. Anything that takes longer than that cannot be done in the middle of a combat.
If you attack with Holy Water, the vial is expended, even if you miss. If you attack with a Short Bow or Long Bow, you expend an arrow, even if you miss. A Sling uses pebbles as ammunition, in the same way a Bow uses arrows. Lead bullets do +1 damage when used in a Sling. You could keep track of how many pebbles you have, but it's better to assume you just pick them up off the ground whenever needed.

When you attack, make a Dexterity roll if you are using any kind of Missile weapon, or a Strength roll if you are using any kind of Melee weapon. Thieves may roll Dexterity when using a Melee/Close weapon. This is an opposed roll, though. The target rolls Dexterity. Defender always wins ties if they are wearing armor, otherwise attacker wins. Fighters always win ties in attack rolls, this overrules the previous statement. If two Fighters are fighting, defender wins ties if wearing armor.
If the attacker wins, the defender takes damage, as shown in the description of the weapon the attacker is using.
Human/Wrave/Goblin Unarmed Hits do 1d3 damage, and are Melee.
Ogre Unarmed Hits do 1d4 damage, and are Melee/Reach.
Imp/Sylvan Unarmed Hits do 1d2 damage, and are Melee/Close.
If, when using your Unarmed Hit, you roll your maximum amount of damage, you take 1d4-2 damage, minimum 0.

Spells, Staff Abilities, Fighter Moves, and Hunter Powers

The first thing that is explained here will be the Hunter Powers. If you are going to play a Hunter, pick a Hunter Power.

Double Shot Attack

When you attack with a Long Bow, Short Bow, or Sling and use this Power, make 2 attacks, one after the other. You may only make the second attack if the first attack hits. You have -2 to the roll of the second attack. The two attacks do not have to have the same target. You use up 2 ammunition instead of 1, even if you don't get to make the second attack.

Triple Arrow/Pebble Attack
When you attack with a Long Bow, Short Bow, or Sling, and use this power, make the attack as a normal attack, but you use up 3 ammunition, rather than 1. If you are using a Sling, this Power only works with lead bullets. You roll 3 times for damage, and add the results. You have -4 to the attack roll when using this power.

Favored EnemyPick a type of monster when you pick this Power - Undead, Aberration, Outsider, Monstrosity, Plant, or Animal. You do +3 damage to monsters of the chosen type. 

Now the Fighter Moves are explained. If you are going to play a Fighter, pick a Fighter Move.

Critical Hit 
When you roll a natural (before modifying the roll) 12 on an attack roll, you do +1 damage. Add 1/2 your Rank as a Fighter to the damage on top of the +1. 

Divine Intervention 
A Fighter who has this Move is also called a War-Priest. When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, it is treated as though you rolled a natural 13+one half your War-Priest Rank.

When you hit an opponent with a roll of 10 or more, they cannot use Melee/Close, Melee, Melee/Reach, or, if you are Fighter Rank 5 or more, Missile/Close weapons in this round or the next. 

Now for spells. If you are going to play a Magic-User, pick two spells to start with, and one more each Rank of Magic-User.
You cast this spell as though you were making a Melee/Reach attack. It does 1d4+Mind damage to the chosen target.
You cast this spell as though you were making a Missile attack. It does 1d8 damage, and you can have it target up to 3 creatures - make a separate roll for each target. You can learn this spell multiple times. Each new time you learn it, you can have it target 1 more creature when you use it.

You can cast this spell any time you take damage. You take 3 less damage. If you learn this spell a second time, you may cast it when someone else takes damage, and have them take 3 less damage.

You can cast this spell as a non-combat action. You, or another creature, heal 1d4 HP plus your Magic-User Rank. This spell does damage to Undead monsters, as much as you would normally heal them.

You can only learn this spell at Magic User Rank 4 or higher.
You can cast this spell as a non-combat action. You summon 1d4+Mind animals, from the animal summoning list, that fight for you, and appear right in front of you.. They understand only simple commands, and they are dazed and cannot act in the round you summon them. They are both Animal and Outsider. They are summoned back to wherever they came from (seriously, though, where did they come from??) after half an hour.

You can learn this spell multiple times. Each new time you learn it, you add 1d4 to the amount of animals you summon, to a maximum of 5d4+Mind, because 20 wolves is enough wolves.

Boost [Ability Score]
You can cast this spell at the start of a round. You boost your [Ability Score] by 2 for the rest of the round. You can learn this spell multiple times. Each time you learn it, it applies to a different Ability Score - so really, this is just 4 spells, Boost Strength, Boost Dexterity, Boost Mind, and Boost Spirit.

You can cast this spell as a non-combat action. Everyone who sees you cast this spell automatically sees through the illusion. Others roll Notice when they see your illusion to tell if it is illusion.
This is an opposed roll - Notice-er vs. your Mind roll, you add your Magic-User Rank to your roll.
You create a fake image, with sounds as well. The image can be three dimensional or it can be flat. You can have the image move around, but the image must remain in your sight. The image can be made to feel as though it is there, but it is possible to move through the image. The image cannot actually harm or otherwise interact with things, but can be made to appear to be doing that, even if it isn't.

Now that the spell list is finally done (finally), here are the staff abilities. Treat staffs as Clubs if anyone wants to attack with one. All Magic-Users start with one for free, and they have special abilities.

Staff Of The Necromancer
You can control undead using your staff. You can control only one Undead monster at a time, and it must be one with 0 Mind and 0 Spirit. To start controlling an Undead monster, you must make opposed rolls - you add Magic-User Rank, the Undead monster adds their Challenge Rank.
If you succeed, the Undead monster is under your control for one hour.

Staff Of The Druid
You can control animals using your staff. You can control only one Animal monster at a time. To start controlling an Animal monster, you must make opposed rolls - you add Magic-User Rank, the Animal monster adds their Challenge Rank.
If you succeed, the Animal monster is under your control for one hour.

Staff Of The Warlock
You may spend a use of a spell to add 1d4 damage to any attack you make, for that attack only.
This increases by 1d4 every 5 Ranks of Magic-User afterwards (at 5, 10, 15...)
Also, if you use your staff to attack like it is a Club, and you add damage using the staff's ability, you use d6s instead of d4s for the extra damage.

Monsters (no, this is not a staff ability)

1 comment:

  1. I just put this up, and I already have 1 +1 and 2 li'l sorta liney things that I think mean views.
