Thursday, December 26, 2013

Video Game Quest Beta

Video Game Quest
VGQ is in Beta. It will only be called Video Game Quest in development.
d6 based RPG
You start with 25 Upgrade Points (abbreviated as UPs). You can spend spend UPs to upgrade character features. The first thing you should do is spend UPs on Attack (ATK), Defense (DFN), and Reflex (RFX) scores. They start as 4 and you can spend 5 UPs to increase one by 1 point. You can also gain 5 UPs by removing a point. Once you have set these scores you cannot change them. Descriptions of ATK, RFX, and DFN are below.
ATK: Ability to hit a target accurately.
DFN: Ability to block attacks.
RFX: Ability to dodge attacks.
Then you spend points on attribute scores. They each start as 5 and can be increased by 1 for 1 UP, or decreased by 1 to give you 1 UP. Descriptions of attributes are below.
Agility: your ability to aim ranged weapons and move quickly. Add your AGI to ranged attack rolls. 
Strength: your ability to put extra strength into melee attacks. Add your STR to melee attack rolls.
Next you spend points on mHP. mHP starts as 100 and can be decreased by 1 to give you 1 UP or can be increased by one which costs 1 UP. Your mHP (which stands for maximum Health Points) is the limit to how much HP you can have at one time so that you don't use 5000 medkits and become invincible. Whenever you get hit in combat you lose HP according to the weapon used. Once you have set your mHP you cannot change it!
Abilities are special powers that cost UPs. The categories are General Abilities and Combat Abilities. Once you have finished your character you can't change your abilities (except equipment: you can get more ranks in it after finishing your character).
Name (category): Description (cost)
Accurate Aim (combat): You have a +3 bonus to your ranged attack rolls. (2 UP)
Aid (combat): You can add your ATK to the melee attack roll of anyone adjacent to you as an ATK bonus. (4 UP)
Animal Empathy (general): You can communicate with animals as though they were humans. (2 UP)
Block (combat): You can use your ATK to make a melee attack roll instead of a defense roll with DFN. (6 UP)
Familiar (general): You can have a familiar. Choose an animal from the list of characters that says in the description that it can be a familiar. That is your familiar. It follows you around and you can communicate with it as if you had Animal Empathy. (10 UP)
Uncanny Dodge (combat): You can use your RFX for defense rolls even when you are surprised. (6 UP)
Equipment (general): You get 5 coins. (1 UP) (you can get ranks in this for 1 UP. each rank gives you 5c more.)
Ninja (combat): You get a RFX bonus equal to your current HP divided by 5, and you get a RFX bonus equal to your AGI. (10 UP) 
You can buy equipment with coins (c). You have 30 item slots. Large items take up 2 slots, Huge items take up 3 slots.
Name (cost): Description
Medkit (5c): You get +10 HP. 1 use.
Rope (2c): 25 feet long. Large.
If you want an item for your character that isn't here, ask your GM to make it and add it to the items list. Regular, everyday equipment (phones, computers, egg beaters, litter boxes) isn't listed here and costs 0c.
ARMOR: Armor goes in your Armor Slot instead of your item slots.
Undercover Vest (15c): You get +2 DFN bonus while wearing this.
Tactical Vest (20c): You get +4 DFN bonus while wearing this.
Chainmail (20c): You get +8 DFN bonus and move at -5 feet while wearing this.
Half Plate (23c): You get +10 DFN bonus and move at -10 feet while wearing this. -3 RFX bonus while wearing this.
Full Plate (25c): You get +12 DFN bonus and move at -15 while wearing this. You cannot use RFX while wearing this.
PRIMARY/SECONDARY WEAPONS: Your primary weapon goes in your Primary weapon slot. Your secondary weapon goes in your Secondary weapon slot.
Name (cost): ATK bonus, category, range, damage, notes
Pistol (30c): +1, ranged, 120 ft, 3d6, ammo capacity 20
Shotgun (40c): +1, ranged, 50 ft, 5d6, ammo capacity 8
SMG (40c): +2, ranged, 90 ft, 4d6, ammo capacity 45
Sniper Rifle (40c): +6, ranged, 650 ft, 4d6, ammo capacity 10
Broadsword (30c): +1, melee, -, 3d6
Katana (30c): +3, melee, -, 2d6
Falchion (30c): +1, melee, -, 2d6, special: if you get at least one six or five, you deal x2 damage.
Chainsaw <primary only> (60c) +1, melee, -, 4d6, special: if you get at least one six or five, you deal x2 damage.
Coil Gun <primary only> (60c): +3, ranged, 500 ft, 4d6, special: you can take a full turn to do +1d6 damage on the next time you attack with the Coil Gun.
Flamethrower <primary only> (60c): +1, flame burst, 15 ft wide 35 ft long, 5d6
TERTIARY WEAPONS: Tertiary weapons are small, simple weapons like grenades or knives. Your tertiary weapon goes in your Tertiary weapon slot.
Knife (5c): +0, melee, -, 3
Grenade* (15c): +0, thrown <you can throw it into any spot within 50 feet, +15 feet if you are on higher ground>, -, anyone within 20 feet of the grenade suffers 5 damage
Fragmentation Grenade* (20c) +0, thrown <you can throw it into any spot within 50 feet, +15 feet if you are on higher ground>, -, anyone within 30 feet of the grenade suffers 8 damage 
Shuriken* (5c) +0, ranged, 40 ft, 2
Kunai* (5c) +0, ranged or melee, 30 ft, 4, use in melee combat does not make you lose one
*You have 10 of these and can get 10 more for 1c.
A combat round lasts 6 seconds, like in most other games. The player with the highest Initiative (INI) goes first. Your character's INI is determined by adding your AGI to your RFX. You go in order of initiative in combat, each player gets a turn where they control their character's actions, a turn lasts 1 round. You may either attack, or move up to 30 feet. When the combat starts, all characters who are aware of their opponents get to act in the surprise round. If, when the combat starts, you are not aware of your opponent(s), you may not act in the surprise round. The characters in the surprise round each get to take turns in order of initiative until each character has had a turn. The surprise round ends and all characters act out the rest of the combat normally in order of initiative. If all players are aware of their opponents, there is no surprise round. If you have not acted in the combat yet, you are surprised. If you are not in the surprise round if there is one, you are surprised. If you are surprised, you may not use your RFX for defense rolls. When you choose to attack someone, choose a weapon. If you win the attack roll, you do damage depending on what weapon you used. Roll a number of d6s equal to your ATK. Add your ATK bonus to that number. If you are using a melee weapon, you can only attack adjacent characters. Your enemy (anyone within range that you choose) must make a DFN roll. They roll a number of d6s equal to their DFN or RFX, then they add their DFN/RFX bonus to the result. Whoever has the higher number wins. If the attacker wins, he does damage to the enemy's HP depending on their weapon. If the defender wins, he takes no damage and the attacker is surprised.
This is a list of characters and monsters and animals GMs can use in the game.
mHP 70
Modbots are droids created by the moderators to keep an eye on the players. Some players hate them and try to destroy them.
mHP 110
Accurate Aim
Sniper Rifle
Auditory/visual link to mods
Drones are simple robots that fly and cannot attack. They only spy on players and report to the mods.
mHP 20
AGI 12
RFX 12
Auditory/visual link to mods
Hakdroids are soldier droids created by hackers.
mHP 100
Tactical Vest
Cat: 50 mHP STR 2 AGI 9 ATK 3 DFN 1 RFX 6 A: Uncanny Dodge, Ninja E: Knife (claws) N: can be a familiar
Dog: 70 mHP STR 7 AGI 3 ATK 5 DFN 4 RFX 3 A: Block E: Knife (claws) N: can be a familiar
Wildcat: 80 mHP STR 7 AGI 8 ATK 8 DFN 5 RFX 5 A: Block, Uncanny Dodge, Ninja E: Falchion (claws)
Wolf: 80 mHP STR 9 AGI 7 ATK 8 DFN 7 RFX 3 A: Block, Uncanny Dodge, Aid E: Broadsword (claws) 

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